Part 27: Crashing the Party
Update 26 - Crashing the Party
"This does not apply only to classes and club activities, but within dorms and outside of school as well. Additionally! The mind and body rule, the curfew rule, the gender segregation rule... the toilet restriction rule, the three-shift lesson rule, and the uniform rule... These regulations, having proved essential for a healthy school, are to be prohibited from any modification or repeal!"

Meanwhile, at the assembly hall...

Title drop! It's a title drop. You know things are getting serious now.

Since all of the students went to check out the assembly hall, Hourai's main building is completely deserted. There's not much to do around here, but we do need to get that last Wonder of Hourai.

We return to the locked door in the teacher's lounge.

Unlike all of the other Wonders, the Complete Notebook is actually an item. Using it will raise your Academics stat

There's one other door in Hourai's main building that the Student ID of the Ancients unlocks.

"It was ** years ago. A group called the Subterra Society appeared, and attempted to take over the school using regulations with the power of the Devil himself... the Evil Regulations. None could challenge the Evil Regulations, and it seemed as if Hourai's fate had been sealed.
But in our moment of darkness, the sacred Three Items reversed Hourai's fate! The power of the Three Items were such that they were able to seal away the Evil Regulations and return freedom to the school. In order to prevent Hourai from falling into peril again in the future, the Evil Regulations and Three Items were sealed away.
But we must stay vigilant. Remnants of Subterra exist to this day..."

With the history lesson done, let's take the chance to call everybody before beginning our daring raid.

I'm really glad the Biplane Club forgave us for hijacking their plane and then crashing it into a giant robot.

After all the stuff Leroy's been through this year, I doubt there's anything he's not ready for.

After bouncing into the plane, we take off to the skies.

Daichi is also much better at steering the plane than last time. Perhaps he's been practicing?

Despite the fact that Leroy busted straight into the main part of the assembly hall at the beginning of the year, the hole in question does not take you there but instead drops you off in the wings of the hall.

It's a short dungeon that consists of pushing buttons and going through doors.

The only enemies here are Gaga Girls and Marionettes. They aren't too much trouble, though Marionettes can cause Amnesia.

While we're here, let's check out our new furry friend. Cattus's Friend Skill, Bribe, causes enemies to join your side by giving them money. It also crashed my game every time I used it on the English patch.

Now it's time to bust in and save the day.

C'mon man, we've run into your group so many times, you'd have thought that everyone would get an information sheet on us or something.

Well, we have gone through this entire game beating up people, what's a few dozen more?

Our saviors are here! You wouldn't expect a bunch of guys in penguins suits could be saviors, but life surprises you sometimes.

In a display of brutal savagery, Hinako knocks Mr. Subterra right off the stage.

Doing so seems to knock all of the students out of their hypnosis.

I kind of like the blue uniforms. Maybe we should keep them? I can't discount Subterra's taste in fashion.

Now this is more of a proper boss battle. Ayame is the weakest of the bunch, as her only skill is the attack "Cross Attack" (which she yells out in proper anime fashion). Kaname is the support for the group, as she can raise everyone's attack and cause Amnesia. Jom-Ra has a veritable smorgasbord of attacks, starting with Fire, Water, and Thunder spirits which hit the entire party. His lecture, pictured above, can also hit the entire party. His last skill is the most dangerous, as it can instantly take out one of your party members (though he doesn't tend to use it, as I only got him to use it once in five different battles)

The final option in question is the time-honored tradition of "running away."

Astute readers probably noticed that, at times, Ayame's portrait looked different - because it wasn't Ayame at all, but Kaname.

With Kaname and Ayame back to normal, all that's left is Jom-Ra. Join me next update as we race towards the final battle!